Paper Submission Guidelines
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These guidelines are to be referred by the author while considering the submitting paper in IC3IA-2025.

Manuscript Size

Each manuscript submitted should constitute outstanding and solid advancement in the conference scope and allied disciplines. The main content of the submission should be at least 3500 words or 10 pages as per the publisher’s format. The references should be limited to 50 and abstract should be limited to 250 words maximum.

Manuscript Components

Each manuscript should include the following components, presented in the order shown:

Evaluation Criteria
Multiple Submissions

Multiple submission means when the same author is submitting multiple manuscripts for a single conference or journal. We do not encourage authors to go for multiple submissions. The Technical Program Committee (TPC) reserves the right to decide on such manuscripts case-by-case.

Scope and Relevance

The manuscript should fall under the scope and allied areas/tracks of the conference. TPC has the full right to determine the scope before recommending the paper for review.

Simultaneous Submissions

Simultaneous submission means where the same manuscript is submitted to multiple conferences at the same time. We do not encourage authors to go for simultaneous submissions. TPC's decision will be final in such cases.


A preprint is an early version of a research paper that has not yet been peer-reviewed. Authors are encouraged to make preprints available while manuscripts are under consideration. TPC will carefully review such cases.


Plagiarism refers to using someone else’s research work, ideas, figures, or text components without proper acknowledgment. It is considered unethical and can lead to legal actions. TPC may allow resubmission in unintentional cases of plagiarism if the research is novel.